Adrienne Davenport

Stories 1
Chapters 12
Words 27.4 K
Comments 0
Reading 2 hours, 17 minutes2 h, 17 m
  • Miracles in the Making Page 6 Cover
    by Adrienne Davenport Halfway across the city, Noel perched on an old iron bench, located near the entrance to Douglas Park. All around him, trees towered high in the sky and small puddles cut their paths through the grass. One foot arched across the bench, he allowed the other to linger casually over the side while he took in the gorgeous view all around him. Ashamed with what he’d gotten himself into, Noel pressed his face in his palms. How have I allowed it to happen? So fast, for that matter, at all? The questions…
  • Miracles in the Making Page 5 Cover
    by Adrienne Davenport The next morning misted by, leaving both lovers peacefully wrapped in each other’s arms, motionless even while the clock surged to rouse them. By the time either lover revealed any true sign of life, the sun had ascended high in the sky and the hour had surpassed eleven a.m. This time Noel reacted first. One hand comfortably supporting his head, he revolved to his left side and took in the gleaming face of the clock. Twelve, on the dot—that wouldn’t sit well with the captivating princess beside…
  • Miracles in the Making Page 4 Cover
    by Adrienne Davenport Later that evening while Noel waited for her to finish polishing her appearance to her approval, he contemplated that same point. In less than an hour, she and I will be wandering about Navy Pier, lost amongst the enormous rides and magnificent exhibits, along with at least a hundred other people interested in experiencing the same thing. “I promise I’m trying to hurry.” The sound rang from the top of the stairs and left Noel laughing. Always in such a rush, it was as if the girl couldn’t help…